Join Influencer Meghan King & special guests at Gaia Haven Daytreat, a women’s networking event for the soul, taking place in the heart of Clayton, MO on August 24, 2023.
This highly intimate daytreat is only accepting thirty reservations for women who are truly focused on growth & changing their mindset. By gifting yourself this experience, you’ll walk away inspired and transformed.
Our Ethos
What does Gaia Haven mean?
Gaia is the concept that every rock, organism and particle on the planet are part of “Mother Earth.” Gaia is the Greek goddess from which all life sprang and we must respect her and therefore respect ourselves.
Haven means a safe place or refuge.
“Gaia Haven” is the sacred circle created when like-minded individuals come together to grow within themselves. We at The Experience understand that the greatest transformations can come when we believe we are part of a larger purpose on this earth as we focus on what we want to work on within ourselves.
The Mission:
At The Experience our mission is simple: to love ourselves. We believe that if each one of us can love our own self as much as we deserve that will be the catalyst to improve every other aspect of our life. This, in turn, makes the world a better and more peaceful place. It’s that easy.
The Problem:
We have forgotten how to love ourselves. Our parents taught us they loved us (if we were lucky), our schools taught us to study hard and be nice to friends, our jobs taught us that money gets you ahead in life, and our children taught us sacrifice and patience. But no one taught us how to love ourselves, and no one taught us that this is where we must begin in order for the rest of our life to be harmonious.
The Solution:
Our RETREATS focus on planting a seed of self-love inside of you that can grow as you go back into your daily life. The Experience encourages clean living during the retreat (and beyond if you so choose), good sleep, and we provide the best shamans, yogis, reiki masters, and other professionals to guide you in introspective self-awareness.
The Difference:
After years of networking in Hollywood and beyond, our founder, Meghan King, has leveraged her connections to access some of the world’s leading mental health and holistic professionals for our Experiences as well as secure idyllic locations best suited for personal growth. Our promise is that no retreat will be the same and growth will be achieved whether you attend 1 or 100 Experiences.
The Simplicity:
We wouldn’t be Gaia Haven without you. The idea that we are a unit of positive energy requires that you lend your energy to the desire to change. You came to this page for a reason.